ΔΟΥΛΕΙΕΣ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ - ή Δημιουγούνται!

Πιστέψτε στην ΕΛΛΑΔΑ - γιατί έχει Αστήρευτες Πηγές.
Πιστέψτε στους ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ - γιατί έχουν Απίστευτες Ικανότητες!
Ακολουθείστε το ΑΣΤΕΡΙ σας - αφού μάθετε Πώς να το Δημιουργείτε!
Βρείτε τις Δουλειές που Υπάρχουν, ή Δημιουργείστε τις, ...ακόμη και μέσα στην Κρίση - αφού μπορείτε με τα ΔΩΡΕΑΝ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΑ ΑΠΑΣΧΟΛΗΣΗΣ (κάντε Κλικ)!

Βρείτε εδώ την ΓΝΩΣΗ και ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ που χρειάζεστε, δωσμένες όπου πρέπει σοβαρά, αλλά και όπου πρέπει με Χιούμορ, για:
* ΕΥΡΕΣΗ Εργασίας: Κανάλια Αναζήτησης, Βιογραφικό, Συνέντευξη, Πρόσληψη

* ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ Δικής σας Δουλειάς: Τρόποι Εύρεσης Επιχειρηματικών Ιδεων, Αποδοτικοί Συνδυασμοί, κλπ.
* ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΗ Εργασίας: Διατήρηση Θέσης, Αύξηση και Προαγωγή
* ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΗ Αυτοαπασχόλησης ή Μ.Μ. Επιχείρησης: Αποδοτικοί Τρόποι Διαφήμισης και Marketing με Μηδαμινό ή Μηδενικό Κόστος

* ΤΥΧΕΡΑ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ: Στατιστικές, Συστήματα, Στρατηγικές (κυρίως για το Τζόκερ, αλλά με Εφαρμογές και για άλλα Τυχερά Παιχνδια).

Ελάτε στην Άκρη, τους εί
πε. Είπαν: Φοβόμαστε. Ελάτε στην Άκρη, τους είπε. Ήλθαν. Τους Έσπρωξε και ...ΠΕΤΑΞΑΝ!
(Τους είχε δημιουργήσει Φτερά, αλλά αυτοί δεν το είχαν πιστέψει - ακόμα!)
Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they ...FLEW!
Guillaume Apollinaire

Τετάρτη 21 Ιουλίου 2010

What Kept Me Out? ...YOU!

I Know, some of You Thought ...

...I had abandoned this Blog, because I didn't have enough time - as some of you warned me at the beginning.
That's partly true. Time runs fast and there has always been so much work to do, in all the areas, as I have described them in my previous posts.
  • Seminars come and go and then Personal contacts follow,
  • Job Hunters need help on what they should have learnt from their schools - that is, how to find a Job,
  • Professionals too need help to Start their Job, Keep it Going - and of course Improve it.

So Many Things to Combine ...

...for all these people. Info that has to be translated into simple moves which they can understand and use, so they can succeed in their Professional Dreams.
What am I doing for all these people? Simple: Career Coaching.But, I'm done doing the Job Hunting for them!
Luckily, some of them see me as the Gordon Ramsay of Job Hunting, because like him, I go step by step, helping them succeed in their dream:
  1. I try to find every worthy type of info they keep hidden inside of them ,
  2. We make the best possible Resume together, based on all this information,
  3. I Show them all the practical Ways and Means to look for Work Positions,
  4. I Consult them on what to do for the Interview, before, during - and even after it.
We Improve the Situation...

...by first improving the person involved. This way that person will know what to do now and next time around, when the need for a new Job arises.

Well, these were the good guys. Others though - thank god, lately they get fewer and fewer - see me as a mythical Master (Job) Hunter who is going to do all the Job Hunting for them. I gave up doing that, because there is no use doing it:
  • Once you do it for one, he will tell his friends - who'll tell their friends, and so on - that I find Jobs.
  • I cannot do that any more. I give all the Advice and Guidance they need and they can use it to find the Job, advance their Career, or whatever.
But, don't Worry. I'm Not Leaving. 

I like this subject. I'm doing it for years. And I have lots of things to write about, or bring to this Blog from my files. That is, lots of useful Information to give, which you can use to your advantage for the Occupation of your Dreams - either Finding it or Improving it!

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