I think I owe this special message to my English-speaking audience. I know that many countries now have higher unemployment rates than they had before 2008, when the recession started. I know that people are suffering from unemployment everywhere - not just Greece.
However, the fact is that Greece is suffering too much from it, for the following reasons - none of which is known to the peoples inside EU or out:
- Unemployment in Greece has almost doubled since 2008, to more than 18 % (Aug. 2011).
- One of the reasons, even before the crisis, is that they have been taking plants from Greece to other countries with lower wages.
- Economic Fugitives keep coming from Asia and Africa, to find a better future in Europe.
- Other countries, safe inside Europe, can only say "Hey you Greeks, don't let them in".
- For those who don't know, Greece is the first land for Asian fugitives coming to Europe.
- It's hard to accomplish it, for a country surrounded by so much sea and coastline.
- Besides, that also takes lots of money, which is much higher (as a percentage of GNP) than for any other EU country.
- There is a huge Debt hanging over our shoulders, because the Interest of borrowing money to Greece (a small country, in need) has always been much too high.
- Any given Loans were always accompanied with foreign economic interventions in the country, with good buys, i.e. depreciated business entities, giving high returns!
- Greece never denied paying off its Debts like other countries did in our area, or elsewhere.
- There is a Vicious Cycle, since it's not easy to find any extra money for Investments in order to bring Economic Development in the country. Therefore ...
- The money they were giving us was just enough for keeping the country functioning!
- And of course keep the country in Debt forever, thus filling their pockets and draining ours!
As for the reasons they give, i.e. that Greeks are lazy, and they go for bankruptcy, that's psychological warfare, and some will make money with that. I would remind you that at least in the old Western Europe (W.U.) Greece has always had:
- The highest Per Capita expense in Defense.
- One of the highest rate of Working Hours per Week.
- The Highest Prices of imported goods, due to the distance from the rest of W.U.
...and for the time being, I feel I owe to give a little bit more attention to the people in this land. You see, it's here that I find all these people, people like you my readers abroad, who have lost their jobs, and I feel I have to help them first!
This means that for the time being, I have to write mostly in Greek. Forgive me, but I know for sure that you feel the same about your lands too, and you would have done exactly the same thing.
Besides, if my articles can help people here in Greece, it's more than certain that they can also help people everywhere!
Now, when I find time, I'll try to add at least Compact Summaries in English - especially in the Most Popular of my articles. I feel sorry for not having gotten that time yet. You see I have to go and help people through seminars, and 101 contact. Perhaps I'll find some other way, like writing some Rules of Success in as many Languages as I can. For example see my article about "Babylonia".
I really hope that those of you who don't understand this (great by all standards) language, can find a good translating program online, so you too can read the articles I post here - for whatever their worth by your standards.
One thing I can do though, is to give answers to any questions of yours which come through the Comments you make on my Articles - and those answers will be in English. That I promise!
So, from my heart, to both Greek and English-speaking audiences...
God be with You.
Farewell and prosper!
Career Coach Cyrus